Displaying All WooCommerce Products on Admin Products Page
By default, the Products section in WooCommerce only displays 20 products per page. This means that making edits to a bunch of products will require a reload by moving to page 2, 3, 4, etc. These reloads can really increase your work time. There’s a simple trick to display ALL of your products on one page, preventing the need for moving through paginated products.
Display ALL WooCommerce Products
When in your wp-admin, navigate to the WooCommerce Products page. From there, click on the Screen Options dropdown in the top-right corner of your screen. This WooCommerce specific Screen Options panel will have an option to set the number of products display per page. Simply set this number to a high number to display all of your products. Obviously, if the number is greater than the number of WooCommerce products you have available, they will all be displayed. You can set this number to whatever you want.
oh you saved my day loving brother.
they should have placed this option in a more appropriate place.
Many Thanks Brother ^^ from Tunisia
Hi, how about to reverse back to display only 20 item product per page, because after I changed the product display 999 per page, the site shows ‘this site can not be reach, error connection’. It happens only at woocommerce-product but at another menu it’s all fine. Is it possible to work from cpanel?im so frustrated. Thank you
Wandered excitedly into this same situation. I’ve had no luck resolving on my own. Anybody know of somewhere to fix in the backend to regain functionality? To be clear after setting show items per page to 250 on the All Products admin screen I assume I maxed php memory or something like that and receive the 500 error. Any help is appreciated.
Hey Nick,
Did you ever find help to this problem?
add_action(‘init’, ‘reset_screen_options’);
function reset_screen_options() {
update_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), ‘edit_product_per_page’, 20 );
Thank you very much. Easy but need to kick a bit 🙂
VERY Helpful sir! Thank you so much!
Thank your for posting this, saved me so much time. Do you offer your services professionally?
What I’d love to know is how to sort my products by category in the admin panel products list?
We are using woomcomerc, however on the tab we do not have the option of increasing the number of products per page. Why is that? Are there other ways to fix the visibility issues? Published products show up on wordpress internally but not externally. 🙁
Any idea how to display the product name in the orders list on the admin side?
It looks like it’s missing since recent Woocommerce update.
Kind regards,
thanks for taking the time to share this Ren… Just what I was looking for 🙂
I cant see this option in myphpadmin ?
i went into the usermeta and its not there i even searched for it and not there my site is multisite wordpress does that matter
basically i changed the products to view from 20 to 600 not the products dont load in dashbaord it just spins round and round but now i cant change it back so really need a way to fix this urgent
I have the same problem…
How can I fix it?
Hi how about to reverse back to display only 20 item product per page, because after i change the product display 100 per page,the site shows this site can not be reach,error connection. Ot was happen only at woocommerce-product but at another menu it’s all fine. Is it possible to work from cpanel?im so frustrated. Thank you
I sent you out a tweet for help with this same problem but my options will not change.
Thank you
Did you see my comment below?
I dont see the comment you made? ..regarding how to change back to 20 when error 500 (time out?) is appearing?
I have done what you explained and not sure what the problem is but it will only list
6 items at a time and there are only 4 pages. Not sure how to fix..I am a totaly newbie and
know nothing about code or anything else. My gal who set the blog up has no clue..If I had known
that when I hired her, I wouldn’t have hired her..lolol
I would appreciate any help
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So you have 146 total products, excluding the one in the trash, and your admin is only showing 6 per page, with 4 pages, for a total of 24 products? That’s strange. My guess is that there may be some code running somewhere that’s limiting the number of products per page in the admin. I’d suggest disabling all plugins, reverting to a default theme, and trying again. If that fixes it, there’s either code in your theme, or in a plugin that’s causing this.
Thank you for your response, I really do appreciate it.
You are correct in your explanation. The products are there but it doesn’t show them unless I click on one of them in select a category and then filter.
I will deactivate my plugins and see what happens. Although that scares me because I know nothing on that end of things. Will let you know.
I have deactivated some but horrified that I will mess something up and the gal who did my site well…not sure she could or would even help me to get things back the way that they are suppose to be. She knows nothing about WooCommerce at all.
BUT my point being is I thought might mean something.
I went into options and put the number to 1. It still only showed 6 products but in the lower right hand corner it now says 146.
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Do I deactivate all of the woocommerce also? I am afraid to change the theme because I just got it redone back in October. Scared it won’t go back to the way it is suppose to be. If I mess this site up I think I will croak…lolol
I wanted it to be ready for when I was in recovery from breast cancer and seems the harder I have tried to get things going again I keep running into obstacles.
I did all the plugins but nothing changed so I am going to reactivate them.
Still no change..
I really do appreciate your help very much
Thanks a lot
For the most part, changing your theme will be okay. It’s possible that some things (i.e. widgets) may need readjusted after switching back. I can understand if you’re not comfortable with that, though. Also, you wouldn’t want to deactivate WooCommerce itself because that wouldn’t allow you to debug properly, since you’re debugging the WooCommerce products list.
At this point, I’m going to say something is overriding that display setting, and forcing the number of products in the admin . However, it’s hard for me to say for sure without being able to see any code. I’d suggest getting in touch with the person who built the site, or perhaps hiring someone else to take a look.
You were right on with what is happening. I have a friend who looked at it last night and he said that the theme was overriding the admin product page.
The gal that did the site has no clue about anything other than as she said make them pretty. Wish I had known that info before hand.
I thank you so much for help. You were spot on.
Awesome. Glad to hear you got it worked out.
Hi Ren! Do you know how to display on my product page? I only have 9 products and it’s only showing 5 items and are putting the other 4 items on a 2nd page. PLEASE HELP!!! 🙂 I really appreciate your time!
Hey, Lindsay. This could be something your theme is controlling but I can’t tell for sure without looking under the hood. However, if your theme is built with full WooCommerce support, the following code should work for you:
Hi thanks for that trick. much easy and fast. but one question : how to display more than 12 products when I filter by categories on same page ? when I filter products by categories it display only 12 products. I am talking about products page in wooCommerce admin area.
thank you in advance 🙂
Wow, what a time saver lol! Thank you!
I never noticed that dropdown either and it was driving me crazy when I was trying to sort products into order! Thanks so much for this tip!
It’s amazing how long I have been working within wordpress and never noticed this dropdown. Thanks Ren.
You’re welcome, Damian. Don’t feel bad, it’s one of those gems of WordPress that’s kind of hidden. It has some awesome features for different areas of the WP dashboard but a lot of people never pay attention to it. 🙂