Sridhar published a new post on his blog yesterday on how to change the content limit on a post archive page using Genesis. This was a great post and jogged my memory that I needed to do something similar. My situation was that I needed to REMOVE the content from a custom post type’s archive. To get this to work, some code had to be reworked. Here’s the code I came up with to remove the excerpt/content from a custom post type archive page.
This code goes in your functions.php or a custom plugin.
Can you please post before and after screenshots?
Hey, Sridhar. I updated the post to include Before-and-After’s.
We can simply do this, right?
I tried a couple things that would seem easier but the results were odd. I tried your snippet exactly and it didn’t work for me (the content was only removed from one of the posts). Have you tested it?
I’ve updated the hook name. Please refresh the snippet page and try again.
Still no luck. That snippet didn’t change anything from the default.
Check (a CPT archive page with content removed using my suggested snippet) vs a standard category archive page,